Thursday, August 05, 2010

Sunny with a Chance update

If you watch Disney Channel then you most likely watch a show called Sunny with a Chance.  Recently I got a request to write about a Sunny with a Chance update.  The next Sonny with a Chance is called Problem with Pauly.  Sonny's (Demi Lovoto) favorite show when she was a kid comes to Condor Studios where she works.  The show is called Pauly the polar bear.  She pays her cast mates to come with her to Paulys dressing room to get an autograph.  When she gets in the dressing room and she asks if she can where Paulys costume.  The person who plays Pauly lets her be Pauly for a day.  Things go upside down for Sunny when the persone who plays Pauly says he's never coming back.  The main problem was that it was Sunny and Chad's (Sterling Knight) 7 week anniversety.  Nico and Grady also try to convinse Chad that Sunny has stood him up!  If you have any questions, comments, or requests for me to write about please put them in the comment section.

1 comment:

  1. i think u should do a phineas and ferb because i love this show
