Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Don't Eat Meat!!!

Have you ever wondered what the food your eating is made out of?  Well, I certainly have.  Some of your favorite foods are poor animals who get made into processed foods such as Chicken McNuggets found at McDonald's.  Many people know that fast food is very unhealthy.  Every time you eat out not only is it unhealthy it kills a poor animal.  So I am having a contest to see  which person can eat the least amount of meat.  However I am giving one exception, school food.  I know you cant help what school lunches are so you don't have to count that meat.  Just look at the poll at the bottom of the screen and tell me at the end of the month how much meat did you eat?  The contest starts on April 1st.  The winner/'s will get a prize like maybe a couple pieces of candy or something else simple.  So better eat as much meat as you can before the contest starts.  If you have any questions, comments about the contest please put them in the comment section.

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