Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Bieber becomes a bad role model!

Justin Bieber is a singer.  He is 17 and he smokes already.  Kids around the world are taking down posters, and not listening to his music.  Plus teens all over the world listen to his music and read the magazines.  What if they read in the magazines that he smokes and then they will start smoking because they think it is cool.  If you don't believe me that kids are taking down his posters and not listening to his music, well I have proof that what I say is true.  A very close friend of mine Tessa took down his posters and refuses to put them back up.  Sources say that he also is mean to his mother.  Will this pop star's career end who can guess.  If you have any questions, comments, or requests for me to write about then put them in the comment section.

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