Monday, August 30, 2010

Me myself and I

Hello if you read my blog then you should know what I look like...    Let me tell you about myself I have blond Hair and blue eyes I have lots of friends and I luv to update my blog.  If I don't update it everyday it is becuase of Homework!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  If you like homework please tell me what your favorite subject is if you don't like homework tell me your least favorite subject.  My life is awesome!  My teacher does NOT Assign HOMEWORK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  My teacher is so nice!  She almost never yells at us.  If you have a suggestion tell me asap!!!!!!!!!!!  Here is the question...  I have a friend running for president for stuco who is in 6th Grade her bff is running for vice prez.  So I was gonna vote for her but then we got a new seating arragment and I sit by a boy named Jake.  His sister is also running for vice prez.      HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   If you have any questions comments of requests for me to write about please put them in the comment section.

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