Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Don't Eat Meat!!!

Have you ever wondered what the food your eating is made out of?  Well, I certainly have.  Some of your favorite foods are poor animals who get made into processed foods such as Chicken McNuggets found at McDonald's.  Many people know that fast food is very unhealthy.  Every time you eat out not only is it unhealthy it kills a poor animal.  So I am having a contest to see  which person can eat the least amount of meat.  However I am giving one exception, school food.  I know you cant help what school lunches are so you don't have to count that meat.  Just look at the poll at the bottom of the screen and tell me at the end of the month how much meat did you eat?  The contest starts on April 1st.  The winner/'s will get a prize like maybe a couple pieces of candy or something else simple.  So better eat as much meat as you can before the contest starts.  If you have any questions, comments about the contest please put them in the comment section.

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm back

Sorry, with school and sports and really everything I haven't had much time to post.  Now, back to the real stuff.  If you remember in an earlier post I talked about my cat Abby, well she has sadly passed away.  This post is to remember her.  She was really a MAGICAL cat.  I believe what the eskamo's believe. "When one passes away they become an animal".  My family believes that Abby was a family member who passed away and was watching over us.  Anyway, I am in Arizona with my amazing cousin, Ryanne.  We are watching Full House.  I can't wait to post more and more.  Well that's all for now.  If you have any questions,comments, or requests for my next post please put them in the comments section.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Lauren Lauren Lauren Elizabeth U (last name is actually u)

This looks like a great house to live in doesn't it.  This is the 5 year olds choose in house.  I find it very funny.  We were finding what to have as a new paint job and she choose this.  Just a short update from amanda.   And this is from Lauren actually typed by her:  elizabet h    u

Monday, October 18, 2010


We almost never think about it but we are in space.  Since earth is is space and we live on earth we are in space.  Resources say that in billions of years the sun will get so hot that earth will explode but Pluto will be just the right temperature so someday we might live on pluto in BILLIONS of years.  So no worries unless they build a time machine then we would be in HUGE trouble.   Just a small update from yours truely,
Kayla MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM  (just kidding)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sad goodbyes

If you watch Disney Channel then you will be saying good bye to some shows and hello to some new.  Disney is saying that Suite Life on Deck and Wizards of Waverly Place are leaving. 
But two new shows Fish Hooks and Pump it up or something like that are coming on.  Hannah Montana has already left I think.  Anyway the two shows that are going away (maybe) have one last season they say.  I have already saw Wizards Unleashed of course and it was awesome don't want to give the suprise away.  But let me just say Mason is back, Mason is back Yah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   So get ready for crazy new season of Wizards of Waverly Place.  If you have any questions comments or requests for me to write about please put it in the comment section. PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT!

Wednesday, September 01, 2010


A couple posts ago a person asked for me to write about iCarly so I am.  The up coming one is where you get to meet sam's mom.  She dosen't look very wierd but trust ME she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Miranda Cosgrove is not a bad role model she defenitly decided to follow her dreams.  She is an actress, singer, and fashion icon.  Sorces say that two weeks after she decided to put on a solid gold dress to go to the grammys that over 19 stars where seen wearing that dress.  iCarly is really funny + they have their very one website.  It is called http://www.icarly.com/  Just click on this link to go thier.  Also you can email funny video clips to friends send videos to them and more!  If you have any question, comments, or requests for me to write about please put them in the comment section.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Abigal Leah the loyal cat

Me when I was 3 or 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am proud to say that I still have that cat her name is Abigal Leah and she is my baby.  She would probably be more like my great-grandmother considering she is 85 years old in cat years!  She is still living a long happy life full of lives adventures like sleeping and eating.  When you think about it she is like my dogs mother.  She punishes my dog when she disobeys me/mom by hissing at her but never with Violence!  She is one of the most amazing cats I have ever seen.  She is smart she has problems with her hearing but we love her to death.  Some days I wonder if this her last.  Some days when I see her sleeping I freak out.  She is loyal and is always by our sides even when we are not with her!!!  If you have any questions, comments, or requests for me to write about please put them in the comments section!