Sunday, August 15, 2010

A shout-out to the garns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The garns are probaly the most generious  people in the world!  They came up to Kansas had the time to take photos and work there butt of to get to Kansas and yet they still had time to tend to a bird and spend time with there family!  They are daring they got in a dunking tank and they rock!  I luv you Max Zach Michael and Ryanne + aunt kristina and uncle matt! Peace out yo-yos lol


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. thats ME RYANNE GARN one of her cousins in arizona btw peace out yoyos is my catch phrase!!!!!

  3. im so lucky to be one of the of amandas cousins she is so amazing and wonderful!!!
